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Grand Eye Scientific Company | 高橋中國主頁 Takahashi China...
来自 : www.grandeye.com.hk/takahashi. 发布时间:2021-03-25
可能是地球上最好的望遠鏡 Perhaps the best telescope on earth

自1979年高橋株式會社推出FC-90至今, 都一直生產螢石超消息差折射望遠鏡.
自始, 高橋不祇生產口徑達250mm的螢石超消息差折射望遠鏡,
亦有製造赤道儀及登峰造極級數之望遠鏡如FSQ-106, 雙曲面天體攝影儀,
BR-C, N-C及D-K等等. 小至TG-SP2的極軸赤道儀到高達160公斤負載、2.5弧秒追蹤精度
的EM-3500天文台級柱式赤道儀, 高橋皆有生產. 與此同時,
高橋亦生產兩款小巧而精緻的地平式座架, 它們均設有微調裝置,
此設計既適合觀景亦適宜天文觀測. 所有高橋的金屬鑄件皆在其日本工場進行.

While better known in the world for their amateur and small observatory instruments, Takahashi supplies complete systems for the professional community including the construction of public observatories such as the Goma Observatory. Takahashi is currently building a 1.5-meter telescope for a public observatory in Japan. Many professional instruments throughout the world use Takahashi\'s legendary focusers.

Takahashi also supplies a complete line of both .965\" and 1.25\" barrel oculars as well as the incomparable LE-50 2\" barrel eyepiece. They produce a wide range of innovative products for amateurs and professionals including their super-smooth camera angle adjusters and various adapters for 35mm, medium format, 4X5\" film photography and CCD-imaging. As new technologies become available, Takahashi will continue to provide optical and mechanical excellence with innovation and superior design.

高橋除供應全套系統給專業機構以外, 亦提供天文台規劃, 如 Goma天文台. 高橋現正為日本一所公立天文台建造1.5米級的望遠鏡. 全球許多專業儀器都使用高橋生產的對焦座.

高橋生產全系列的.965\"及1.25\"目鏡, 包括無可比擬的2\" LE-50目鏡. 她亦生產極負盛名的超暢順相機角度調節器, 35mm, 中底格式, 4x5\"負片攝影及CCD攝像用的轉接環. 配合新科技的面世, 高橋在光學及機械領域, 必 臻完美設計境界!

本文链接: http://takahashi.immuno-online.com/view-754606.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)